

Registration & Attendance

Please contact the Registrar for enrollment and to report absences:

Maria TurincioPhone: (619) 628-3886

California state law requires school attendance for students under age 18. At Options Secondary School, students are enrolled in 102-minute classes within concentrated sets of instructional time frames. Thus, regular attendance, and daily classroom participation is very important for each student in pursuing and maintaining positive academic achievement. Saturday School is available and students who have been absent may be required to attend.

  • TARDINESS: Students are expected to report to all classes on time.
  • TRUANCY: Truancy will not be tolerated.

Attendance Policy and Procedures:

  1. Students are expected to attend every class every day.
  2. It is the student’s responsibility to check his or her attendance on a weekly basis. This is especially important prior to report cards or if the student participates in senior activities or field trips.
  3. Students with excessive absences are subject to disciplinary action including assignment of Saturday School, referral to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB), and/or transfer to a district alternative program.
  4. Following an absence, students must report to the Attendance Office and turn in a note from parent to excuse the absence, if the parent hasn’t called the absence in. Students are NOT allowed to sign their own notes.
  5. Failure to excuse an absence via parent phone call or signed note will result in an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE and a Saturday School.
  6. The Attendance Office opens at 10:00 AM, Monday – Friday. The phone number is 619 796-7321.
  7. Students may be excused from school for the following reasons:
    • Personal illness, appointment for medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic services
    • Quarantine by county or city health officer
    • Participation in religious instruction or exercises
    • Attendance at funeral services for member of immediate family. One day if in California, three days if out-of-state.
  8. Students who are absent or truant from school must clear absences in accordance with SUHSD Board Policy & Regulations AR 5113.

AR 5112.1C – It is the parents’ responsibility to notify the school within 10 school days to excuse the student’s absence(s). Absences remaining unexcused 10 school days after the students return to school will become truant or unexcused for the remainder of the school year unless the student attends Saturday School to clear the absence.

AR 5112.1D – The Sweetwater Union High School District has established that it is reasonable to be absent 1 day a month (equivalent to 5 days in a semester or 10 days in a school year). Students who have more than 5 days of excused absences per semester 10 excused absences during the year may be placed under an “Excessive Excused Absence Contract.”

AR 5113(e) b – When a student has had 14 absences in the school year for verified illness, any further absences must be verified by a physician or the school Nurse.

  • Students are required to attend the full day to participate in afterschool activities. Students who are absent on a Friday cannot participate in a school related activity on Friday or the following Saturday.
  • Failure to attend Saturday School will result in non-participation at school activities such as: Graduation ceremony, school dances, senior activities, other extra-curricular activities
  • Parents are encouraged to regularly contact the attendance office to verify student attendance.
  • Students who will be leaving school from 5 to 15 days need to contact the school attendance office, and submit a “Short-Term Independent Study” contract for approval at least 5 days prior to the first day of the absence. Students must make arrangements for class assignments with their teachers before they are absent.

Perfect Attendance

To qualify for Perfect Attendance a student’s attendance record must not have any tardies or absences. Saturday School cannot be used to clear a record for the purposes of Perfect Attendance.

Closed Campus

Campus is defined as all areas inside of the school fencing; the parking lot is off-limits during the school day.

Tardy & Procedures

Tardies are accumulated per grading period. Citizenship grades for each grading period are averaged to determine the semester grade. Other factors such as class participation and regular attendance contribute to determining each student’s citizenship grade.

Each student must be aware of the citizenship grading policies of his/her individual teachers. Excessive tardies may result in placement on a non-privileged list for participation in extra-curricular activities, Saturday School, and cancellation of Intra-District transfer.


  1. Students arriving more than 10 minutes late to school should go directly to the Attendance Office.
  2. Tardies affect grades due to missed work or participation in class activities during time missed.
  3. Students have the opportunity to make-up tardies (change tardy “T” to served detention “PQ”) and improve their citizenship grade by attending Saturday School.